International Journals

S.No. Name of Faculty Title of Paper & Detail of Publication
1. Palmeet Kour Improvement In Plant Diseases Detection Rate With Enhaced Svd Technique

IJIRSET (vol – 7, Issue 1, January 2018)ISSN No.23476710,23198753

Impact Factor:-7.089

2. Pooja Sharma,

Vaishali Malhotra,

Randeep Kour

“The Impact of Social Networking Sites With Its Positive and Negative Aspects”IJCSE((Vol No.– 06,Special  Issue No.(05) , June 2018))ISSN No. E 2347-2693Impact Factor:-3.022
3. Palmeet Kour A study of web services and its implicatios.International Journal of Engg. Sciences March 2018 vol – 27)ISSN No.0020-7225Impact Factor:-0.75
4. Pankaj Malhotra

Sandeep Singh

“Dawn of trust for growing economies in the light of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency” IJARSE (Vol No.– 07,Special  Issue No.(04) , March 2018),ISSN No.(P) 2319-8346, (O)2319-8354,Impact Factor:-2.83

International Conferences

S.No. Name of Faculty Title of Paper & Detail of Publication
1. Pankaj Malhotra

Sandeep Singh

“Dawn of trust for growing economies in the light of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency” Presented paper at ICRDSHM-18 at Amar Singh College, Srinagar on 17-18 April
2. Palmeet Kour A Study of Web Service and its implication

ICRIC-2k18 at CU Jammu on March 5th -6th

3. Palmeet Kour “Impact of Artificial intelligence on Digitalization” International conference on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Sciences in Jammu University  on11th -12th  Jan 2019

National Conferences

S.No. Name of Faculty Title of Paper & Detail of Publication
1. Palmeet Kour A study of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence , National Conference on Innovation trends in Mechanical Engg. In  SMVDU on  23rd-24th March2018
2. Mr.Pankaj Malhotra,  Mr.Sandeep Singh,


National conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing And Information Technology”  Paper presented on “Crypto Currency  As A Stabilizing Or Devastating Agent For Developing Economies “

at Kathua Campus on 24-25Feb,2018

3. Ms Pooja Sharma,

Ms Vaishali Malhotra,

Ms Randeep Kour

National conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing And Information Technology”  Paper presented on “The Impact of Social Networking Sites with its positive and negative aspects “

at Kathua Campus on 24-25Feb,2018