International Journals
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper & Detail of Publication |
1. | Palmeet Kour | Improvement In Plant Diseases Detection Rate With Enhaced Svd Technique
IJIRSET (vol – 7, Issue 1, January 2018)ISSN No.23476710,23198753 Impact Factor:-7.089 |
2. | Pooja Sharma,
Vaishali Malhotra, Randeep Kour |
“The Impact of Social Networking Sites With Its Positive and Negative Aspects”IJCSE((Vol No.– 06,Special Issue No.(05) , June 2018))ISSN No. E 2347-2693Impact Factor:-3.022 |
3. | Palmeet Kour | A study of web services and its implicatios.International Journal of Engg. Sciences March 2018 vol – 27)ISSN No.0020-7225Impact Factor:-0.75 |
4. | Pankaj Malhotra
Sandeep Singh |
“Dawn of trust for growing economies in the light of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency” IJARSE (Vol No.– 07,Special Issue No.(04) , March 2018),ISSN No.(P) 2319-8346, (O)2319-8354,Impact Factor:-2.83 |
International Conferences
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper & Detail of Publication |
1. | Pankaj Malhotra
Sandeep Singh |
“Dawn of trust for growing economies in the light of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency” Presented paper at ICRDSHM-18 at Amar Singh College, Srinagar on 17-18 April |
2. | Palmeet Kour | A Study of Web Service and its implication
ICRIC-2k18 at CU Jammu on March 5th -6th |
3. | Palmeet Kour | “Impact of Artificial intelligence on Digitalization” International conference on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Sciences in Jammu University on11th -12th Jan 2019 |
National Conferences
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper & Detail of Publication |
1. | Palmeet Kour | A study of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence , National Conference on Innovation trends in Mechanical Engg. In SMVDU on 23rd-24th March2018 |
2. | Mr.Pankaj Malhotra, Mr.Sandeep Singh,
National conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing And Information Technology” Paper presented on “Crypto Currency As A Stabilizing Or Devastating Agent For Developing Economies “
at Kathua Campus on 24-25Feb,2018 |
3. | Ms Pooja Sharma,
Ms Vaishali Malhotra, Ms Randeep Kour |
National conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing And Information Technology” Paper presented on “The Impact of Social Networking Sites with its positive and negative aspects “
at Kathua Campus on 24-25Feb,2018 |