paper publication cse

 Paper published by Faculty members during assessment year 2019-2020


Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journals (IEEE, SCI, Scopus)

Publication, Date, Page No


Mr. Amrik Singh

Validation of Machine Learning models for health insurance risk assessment

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Scopus

Vol 9 , Issue 1 October 2019 ISSN:2249

Paper published by Faculty members during assessment year 2018-2019


Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journals (IEEE, SCI, Scopus)

Publication, Date, Page No


Dr .Mukesh Kumar

Design of Software Testing Model Based On UML Class and Activity Diagram

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology

ISSN No. 2249-8958, Volume 7, Issue 6,August 2018 Page No.08-15


Ms. Jaswinder Kour

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digitalization

International Conference on Recent Advances in inter disciplinary Sciences attended at University of Jammu

Conference Proceedings

11th-12th , January 2019


Mr. Amrik Singh

Risk assessment for health insurance using equation modeling and machine learning.

International Journal of knowledge based and intelligent Engineering system, 2019, Scopus

23 June 2019


Mr. Amrik Singh

Evaluation of SVM kernels for Health risks Assessment.

HELIX- The Scientific Explorer, 2019, ESCI

Vol.9 30 June 2019

Paper published by Faculty members during assessment year 2017-2018


Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journals (IEEE, SCI, Scopus )

Publication, Date, Page No


Dr. Mukesh Kumar

An Efficient Approach of Regression Testing Using Hierarchical Decomposition Slicing

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science

ISSN No. 0976-5697, Volume 8, Issue 7, July-August 2017 Page No.01-08


Ms. Jaswinder Kour

Improvement in Plant Diseases Detection Rate With Enhanced SVD Technique

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol – 7, Issue 1, January 2018,ISSN No.23476710,23198753


Ms. Jaswinder Kour

A comparative study of SOAP vs REST web services

National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and information Tech. in Kathua Campus

Conference Proceedings

24th-25th Feb 2018


Ms. Jaswinder Kour

A study of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

National Conference on Innovation trends in Mechanical Engg. In SMVDU

Conference Proceedings

23rd-24th March 2018


Ms. Jaswinder Kour

A study of web services and its implications

International Journal of Engg. Sciences

Vol – 27,March 2018 ISSN No.0020-7225