The Department of Mechanical Engineering of M.B.S.C.E.T organised a seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Industrial Engineering’. Harinder Pal Singh, Assistant Professor presented the welcome address.

Principal MBSCET, Prof Anjani Kumar appreciated the department for organising such seminar so that students may have an exposure and vision of advances in the field of technology. Prof (Dr.) A.S Sudan, Chairman, M.B.S.C.E.T, discussed the values of upcoming branch of Industrial Engineering and Management and its future. Dr. Sanjay Mohan Sharma, Assistant Prof SMVDU, Katra was the Resource Person, who discussed the importance of increase in productivity and ways to decrease manufacturing cost.  Around 200 Students of Mechanical Department and faculty members were present during the session.

Johny Khajuria, HoD Mechanical Engineering Department presented the vote of thanks.



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