MBS College of Engineering & Technology commissions own Plant Nursery

MBS College of Engineering & Technology commissions own Plant Nursery

An area measuring about three kanals was earmarked and work started on a Plant Nursery for ornamental and other economically important species in the College campus. The occasion was graced by both Mahant Manjit Singh Jee, the Sole
Trustee of the College and Dr. D. K. Bhandari, Divisional Commissioner, Jammu. Saplings of Gulmohar were planted on the occasion by the dignitaries to mark the ongoing Van Mahautsav campaign.Press_Release_Gulmohar_Pics

PG Department of Computer Application organized a programme based on spiritual technology first-ever in J&K.

PG Department of Computer Application has organized a programme based on spiritual technology first-ever in J&K. The expert person Mr. Arun shared the technique, his experience and provided various tips and techniques of this spiritual technology which will help the students to channelize their energy in a efficient way. He demonstrated the technique that include motivation, meditation, stress management and various performance enhancer techniques that he ensured would definitely help students to perform better in exams as well in corporate sector and ultimately attain success with satisfaction. This techniques was only taught to students of top level institutes, bureaucrats, Multinational companies, doctors and professionals in various fields but now its made to reach to common mass. Mr. Arun is Software Engineer by profession and also one of the Senior Trainer of this technique called YPV (All India Level) from Sri Raman Trust ,Tamil Nadu.  Head of the Department, Mrs.Pooja Sharma presented vote of thanks to Mr. Arun for delivering such a dynamic lecture.

PG Department organized a Guest Lecture on “Web Technologies”

P.G Department of computer Application has organized a guest lecture on “Web Technology” on 13th May 2017. The expert person Professor Lalit Sen Sharma, Department Of Computer Science And IT ,University Of Jammu delivered the lecture on Web Technology Trends and also motivated the students to explore the ideas and focus on research as Web Technology technology is fast moving technology and there is lot of scope in research areas in India as well as in abroad .He appreciated staff and college higher authorities to initiate such type of events for motivation and awareness of technical skills . Present among others were Chairman Sar.Rangeel singh, Vice Principal Prof. Amrik Singh, Ms. Pooja Sharma (HOD MCA), and students of MCA 2nd , 4th and 6 semester students.

LalitSen1(left) Professor Lalit Sen Sharma honored by College Chairman


Department Staff along with Vice-Principal and Guest during the seminar


In News








Seminar conducted by IBM for the pre-final year students of CSE & IT branch.

A Seminar was conducted by expert from IBM in College Auditorium. It was for the pre-final year students of CSE & IT branch. The expert made students aware of various trends in todays technologies with emphasis on latest programing paradigm that they may opt for along with C/C++ or Java for a brighter future.

He also awarded prize to best scoring candidate in one of the test conducted by IBM. In the seminar present were students of IT and CSE batch, Vice-Prncipal Prof. Amrik Singh and Training & Placement Staff.

Expert person addressing the students


Students being awarded prize for participating in a techno quiz


Students interacting with the expert person




PG Department organized a Guest Lecture by Industry Expert on “Computer Application”

P.G Department of computer Application has organized a guest lecture on “Computer Applications” on 8th May 2017. The expert person Mr. Shashank tagotra (D.I.O ) of National Informatics Centre (NIC) shared information regarding the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology which is providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Governguest_lect1.2ment, State Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government bodies. He also shared his industry experience and guided the students to shape their future by working hard on the basics of their subjects. Present among others guest_lect1.1were Vice Principal Prof. Amrik Singh, Ms. Pooja Sharma (HOD MCA), Faculty Members  and students of MCA 2nd  sem and MCA 4th Sem.

Seminar on INDIAN STANDARDS for 3rd Year (6th Semester) & 4th Year (8th Semester) Mechanical Engg. students

It is to inform that a seminar has been arranged on INDIAN STANDARDS for 3rd Year (6th Semester) and 4th Year (8th Semester Mechanical Engineering Students. Senior Officers and Scientists of Bureau of Indian Standards shall speak on the topic on 24th March 2017 (Friday). Students are required to assemble in the college auditorium in time (12:00 Noon). Refreshment will be served to each participant attending the seminar. The seminar is strictly for 3rd Year (6th Semester) and 4th Year (8th Semester) Mechanical Engg. students.

HOD Mechanical Engineering is required to announce it in the related lasses and depute free faculty members (four, if available) to monitor the students and maintain discipline in the auditorium during the seminar.

