workshop of cloud

A two-days workshop on “Cloud Computing” was organized by M.B.S College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu where more than 100 students participated. Ms. Jyoti Taylor software trainer from All Soft Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd, Business Partner of IBM, Chandigarh along with Mr. Sahil Sharma Assistant Manager was the resource persons, who conducted the workshop proceedings for two days, which included insight of Cloud Computing technology and practical aspects for building the career. On the second day, Architecture and design that can be translated into a database with its implementation was discussed with a small project.
Prof. Anjani Kumar Principal MBSCET in his inaugural speech appreciated for conducting workshop and desired to conduct such more programs in the college campus. Prof. Amrik Singh (Vice Principal) presented momento to Ms. Jyoti Taylor the resource person and also presented vote of thanks. Mr. Sahil Sharma Assistant Manager All Soft Solutions thanked the college management for inviting them. Among others who were present were Prof. A.S.Sudan (OSD), S. H.S. Gill (DSW), Prof. Surinder Sharma (HOD CSE), Prof. Rakesh Sanbyal (HOD IT) and other faculty of the different departments.

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